ScriptStack 1.0.0
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ScriptStack.Runtime.Interpreter.FunctionFrame Klassenreferenz

For every forward declared function, a new function frame is created including a memory object holding its local variables. The values are pushed on the stack before they are called. Mehr ...

Öffentliche Attribute

Function function
Memory localMemory
int nextInstruction

Ausführliche Beschreibung

For every forward declared function, a new function frame is created including a memory object holding its local variables. The values are pushed on the stack before they are called.

Dokumentation der Datenelemente

◆ function

Function ScriptStack.Runtime.Interpreter.FunctionFrame.function

◆ localMemory

Memory ScriptStack.Runtime.Interpreter.FunctionFrame.localMemory

◆ nextInstruction

int ScriptStack.Runtime.Interpreter.FunctionFrame.nextInstruction

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