ScriptStack 1.0.0
A .NET scripting language
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Class ScriptStack.Compiler.Lexer

binary not '~'

keyword "new"

Element ScriptStack.Compiler.Parser.AllocateTemporaryVariable ()
Element ScriptStack.Compiler.Parser.EnumDeclaration ()
Enum is in beta
Element ScriptStack.Compiler.Parser.FunctionCall (bool background)
translate routines to msil?
Element ScriptStack.Compiler.Parser.Literal (TokenType tokenType)
float <> double
Element ScriptStack.Compiler.Parser.Notify ()
Element ScriptStack.Compiler.Parser.ParseScript ()
Element ScriptStack.Compiler.Parser.Pointer ()
rename this! its not a pointer
Element ScriptStack.Compiler.Parser.RoutineCall ()
Run routines in background? bad for cloud
Element ScriptStack.Compiler.Parser.StructDeclaration ()
struct is in beta
Element ScriptStack.Compiler.Parser.Wait ()
Interface ScriptStack.Compiler.Scanner
Load event
Class ScriptStack.Manager
Sandboxing See
Class ScriptStack.Runtime.Interpreter
Evaluate!!! member access
Element ScriptStack.Runtime.Interpreter.INV ()
get rid of try-catch
Element ScriptStack.Runtime.Interpreter.Logic ()
what about numerics in relations?
Element ScriptStack.Runtime.Interpreter.NOT ()
Element ScriptStack.Runtime.Interpreter.PTR ()
error messages
Element ScriptStack.Runtime.Interpreter.Relation ()

separation of double and float, result is always double (if not int or string)

check null

check string

Class ScriptStack.Runtime.Routine
The Constructor has serveral (way too much) Overloaders