ScriptStack 1.0.0
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ScriptStack.Compiler.Scanner Schnittstellenreferenz

An interface to modify the default process of reading text files into Script's. Mehr ...

Basisklasse für ScriptStack.Compiler.ScannerPrototype.

Öffentliche Methoden

List< StringScan (String strResourceName)

Ausführliche Beschreibung

An interface to modify the default process of reading text files into Script's.


There is a default routine how a script (text file) gets loaded into the scanner. But its a private method of Script. This interface has a public prototype called "Scan". Using this method you can hook into the private method in Script. Before the scanner actually reads the file it calls the "Scan" method from this interface. You can preprocess lines which are not part of code.

When a script is loaded it gets split into a list of lines, each element holding a line of the script. For e.g the default process of loading scripts does resolve "include" statements. It loads the included file into a list and replace the statement in the source script with the included lines.

The custom scanner must be assigned to the Manager using its Manager.Scanner property.

Siehe auch
Lexer, Token
class MyScanner : Scanner
private Manager manager;
public MyScanner(Manager manager)
this.manager = manager;
public List<string> Scan(string script)
// The method must return a list of strings, each element is a line in code.
List<string> code = new List<string>();
StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(script);
// One possibility is to inject code into the script
code.Add("function setup() {");
code.Add("var i = 12;");
code.Add("return i;");
string currentLine;
while (!streamReader.EndOfStream)
currentLine = streamReader.ReadLine();
// Another possibility is to replace code
// To debug scripts i will add kind of "compiler switch" which must start with a '#'.
// When a line starts with '#' i know its a "switch" and not part of the code, so i will process it but dont add it to the list.
if (currentLine.StartsWith("#"))
currentLine = currentLine.Replace("#", "");
string[] parts = currentLine.Split('=');
if (parts[0].Trim() == "debug" && parts[1].Trim() == "true")
manager.Debug = true;
// One more possibility is to use the internal Lexer to get a token stream to analyze
// Its a bit complex, examples are coming soon.
else if (currentLine.StartsWith("."))
string[] parts = currentLine.Split('.');
List<string> tmp = new List<string>();
Lexer lexer = new Lexer(tmp);
foreach (Token tok in lexer.GetTokens())
// Otherwise, if the line does not start with any of these, i just add it to the list
// Return the list of strings
return code;
catch (ZVMException exception)
API entry point.
Definition Manager.cs:21
An interface to modify the default process of reading text files into Script's.
Definition Scanner.cs:116
Noch zu erledigen
Load event

Dokumentation der Elementfunktionen

◆ Scan()

List< String > ScriptStack.Compiler.Scanner.Scan ( String strResourceName)

Die Dokumentation für diese Schnittstelle wurde erzeugt aufgrund der Datei: