ScriptStack 1.0.0
A .NET scripting language
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[Detailebene 123]
 CScriptStack.Runtime.FunctionA function, forward declared in a script
 CScriptStack.Runtime.Interpreter.FunctionFrameFor every forward declared function, a new function frame is created including a memory object holding its local variables. The values are pushed on the stack before they are called
 CScriptStack.Runtime.HostThe main interface to create a Host. A Host can implement Routine's to extend its functionality
 CScriptStack.Runtime.ModelA Model is an abstract representation of an object your Host works with. It implements Routine's and can be registered by a Host to exted the Host's functionality
 CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue >
 CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue >
 CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyICollection< T >
 CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue >
 CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue >
 CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue >
 CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue >
 CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue >
 CScriptStack.Runtime.InstructionAn instruction in a virtual intermediate language
 CScriptStack.Runtime.InterpreterThe Interpreter finally interprets the parse tree in form of a token stream returned from the ScriptStack.Compiler.Parser
 CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue >
 CScriptStack.Compiler.LexerThe lexical analyzer (Lexer) breaks code (written in sentences) into a series of known Token and pass the token stream to the ScriptStack.Compiler.Parser
 CScriptStack.ManagerAPI entry point
 CScriptStack.Compiler.ParserThe parser builds an ScriptStack.Runtime.Executable out of the Token stream returned from the ScriptStack.Compiler.Lexer while checking for correct syntax
 CScriptStack.Runtime.RoutineA Routine is an abstract representation of a method
 CScriptStack.Compiler.ScannerAn interface to modify the default process of reading text files into Script's
 CScriptStack.Runtime.ScriptInternal representation of a text file (source code) which can be passed to the Interpreter to execute it
 CScriptStack.Compiler.TokenA lexical token or simply token is a string with an assigned and thus identified meaning