▼CDictionary | |
CScriptStack.Runtime.ArrayList | |
▼CException | |
▼CScriptStack.Runtime.ScriptStackException | |
CScriptStack.Compiler.LexerException | |
CScriptStack.Compiler.ParserException | |
CScriptStack.Runtime.ExecutionException | |
CScriptStack.Runtime.Executable | |
CScriptStack.Runtime.Function | A function, forward declared in a script |
CScriptStack.Compiler.Parser.FunctionDescriptor | |
CScriptStack.Runtime.Interpreter.FunctionFrame | For every forward declared function, a new function frame is created including a memory object holding its local variables. The values are pushed on the stack before they are called |
▼CScriptStack.Runtime.Host | The main interface to create a Host. A Host can implement Routine's to extend its functionality |
CScriptStack.Runtime.Model | A Model is an abstract representation of an object your Host works with. It implements Routine's and can be registered by a Host to exted the Host's functionality |
▼CICollection | |
CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyICollection< T > | |
▼CIDeserializationCallback | |
CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
▼CIDictionary | |
CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
▼CIEnumerable | |
CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
CScriptStack.Runtime.Instruction | An instruction in a virtual intermediate language |
CScriptStack.Runtime.Interpreter | The Interpreter finally interprets the parse tree in form of a token stream returned from the ScriptStack.Compiler.Parser |
▼CISerializable | |
CScriptStack.Collections.ReadOnlyDictionary< TKey, TValue > | |
CScriptStack.Compiler.Lexer | The lexical analyzer (Lexer) breaks code (written in sentences) into a series of known Token and pass the token stream to the ScriptStack.Compiler.Parser |
CScriptStack.Compiler.Parser.LoopControl | |
CScriptStack.Manager | API entry point |
CScriptStack.Runtime.Memory | |
CScriptStack.Runtime.Operand | |
CScriptStack.Compiler.Parser | The parser builds an ScriptStack.Runtime.Executable out of the Token stream returned from the ScriptStack.Compiler.Lexer while checking for correct syntax |
CScriptStack.Runtime.Routine | A Routine is an abstract representation of a method |
CScriptStack.Compiler.Scanner | An interface to modify the default process of reading text files into Script's |
CScriptStack.Runtime.Script | Internal representation of a text file (source code) which can be passed to the Interpreter to execute it |
CScriptStack.Compiler.Token | A lexical token or simply token is a string with an assigned and thus identified meaning |
CScriptStack.Compiler.Parser.Variable | |